Impact of COVID on the VCS Survey

Derbyshire County Council survey to capture the impact of COVID-19 on the voluntary and community sector and other charitable organisations

Message from Derbyshire County Council:

We are aware that the voluntary and community sector (VCS) have been absolutely essential in continuing the support to the vulnerable throughout the pandemic. As economic recovery plans are being developed by the Local Enterprise Partnership and within Economic Regeneration and Employment & Skills teams at Derbyshire County Council, we are keen to try to capture some of the experiences of your organisations so that it can inform our next steps and understanding of what provision and resources might be needed moving forward.

A Survey Monkey of 10 questions has been developed, and we would be extremely thankful if you could complete it on behalf of your VCS and charitable/support organisation.

The link to the survey can be found here:

We would like the survey to have been completed by Friday 26th June please.