Mental Health Small Grants

On behalf of Erewash CVS, and Joined Up Care Derbyshire, we are now accepting applications for a new Mental Health Small Grants Fund.

The objective of this fund is to enable local voluntary and community groups and organisations to improve or extend their work supporting Derby and Derbyshire residents aged 18 plus to maintain good mental health.

Maximum Grant Award £5,000 per organisation

Applicants will be expected to show a clear link between the activity they are applying to fund and the impact this has on participants’ mental health.

Grants can be used for a defined ‘one off’ project. All funds need to be spent and evaluations completed by 31st March 2025. Groups will need to provide evidence of how the grant has been spent and it’s impact on local residents.

Application Deadline: Monday 21st October at 5pm

A second funding round may be opened if all funds are not allocated during the first round.

Please Note: This grant is for Capital expenditure only. This could involve the purchase of assets or the refurbishing of existing assets. As such, grants can be used for small items of equipment to support delivery. Examples include (but are not limited to) laptops, kitchen equipment, repairs to building etc.