New DCC Grant scheme for community projects and groups

There is a new Derbyshire County Council Grant Scheme for community projects and groups that support people across Derbyshire

There are five main priorities for the funding:
– helping residents to feel safe
– supporting young people
– encouraging residents to be more active
– being ‘greener’ and more sustainable
– encouraging people to get more involved in their communities to help them thrive

Organisations and charities that help toward the council’s ambitions will be able to apply for grants from the £1.5 million pot.

Grants are divided into four main types:
– small Grants – supporting activity or projects under £1,000
– medium Grants – supporting activity or projects between £1,001 – £20,000
– large Grants – supporting projects and programmes between £20,001 – £50,000
– exceptional Grants – supporting projects which are over £50,001

Small grants are an open application process with no deadlines so you can apply at any time. All the other grant categories will be subject to application rounds with the first deadline for receipt of applications being 30 April 2022

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