last updated by Simon Redding 4 months ago
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    • #6063

        We need help with funding routes and ideas as we are a new hub looking to get off the ground!

        Kate Allcock
        Palmer Morewood Community Hub- Alfreton

        (Taken from 16th April Launch Event- community notice board.)

      • #6067

          As we are just setting up, funding routes and set up information would be useful

          Brian Hogg
          Palmer Morewood Community Hub Alfreton

          (Taken from 16th April Launch Event- community notice board.)

        • #6177
          Simon Redding

            Hi Brian,
            I’m not sure of your current status – do you have a space, work in a space, meet up in a coffee shop / on benches on the main street?
            For each stage of your development you’ll need to show you’re delivering something that makes a difference. The first thing to work out is what you need funding for – shaping your journey into projects and being able to explain how they will each make a discernable difference to your community. For example, a first step might be to form an organisation, get insurance and run a community event that will bring people together & boost their wellbeing. However, you might already have done all that & are wanting to rent / buy / transfer your own space / building, which is a completely different need for funding.
            Let us know a bit more about where you’re currently at & perhaps we could all help with some suggestions & pointers…

          • #6826
            Simon Redding

              Any thoughts on this?

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