Mental Health Liaison Service

The Mental Health Liaison Service is commissioned by Derby and Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group.  It provides specialist infrastructure support to the mental health voluntary and community sector in the following ways:

  • Provides a platform for voluntary agencies delivering mental health services to come together to discuss matters of common interest and influence strategic planning in mental health;
  • Represents voluntary sector mental health providers on strategic commissioning and other key multi-agency planning groups and review bodies;
  • Trains and supports other voluntary sector representatives.

Our Meetings

Voluntary Sector Mental Health Network (VSMHN)

VSMHN is a sub-group of Derbyshire Voluntary Action and holds bi-monthly meetings. It is open to any organisation delivering mental health services as part or all of their work. VSMHN is the mechanism whereby views are gathered to inform representation at a strategic level and to feedback.

Joint Countywide Mental Health Forum

The Joint Countywide Mental Health Forums are held twice a year in partnership with our colleagues in the South of the County, Derbyshire Mental Health Forum. The Forum provides an opportunity to hear from local mental health commissioners and other relevant speakers.

If your group/organisation would be interested in attending our meetings please contact

Mental Health News Bulletins

You can subscribe to our regular mental health news bulletins by clicking HERE and entering your email address.

You can look at our previous news bulletins HERE.

If you have any news you would like us to share in a bulletin please email it to

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