If you’re interested in, or involved with, voluntary, charity or community groups then Derbyshire County Council (DCC) want to hear from you.
Derbyshire County Council are running an online consultation about grants to 62 voluntary, charity and community sector groups in Derbyshire and want the groups, their stakeholders and members of the public to have their say.
DCC started conversations with groups last summer and this consultation gives further opportunity for everyone to help shape our new approach to grant funding, which is designed to create a fairer and more consistent approach to how they allocate funding.
Recurrent grants are currently given annually to support the work done by the voluntary and community sector in their activities with residents.
The consultation closes on Wednesday 23 March.
You can share your views by completing the online questionnaire https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=163698856793
There is an easy read version of the survey available here.
To read full details of the consultation visit: https://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/council/have-your-say/consultation-search/consultation-details/voluntary-and-community-sector-vcs-grant-funding-review.aspx
If you need a paper copy or information in a different format please contact Call Derbyshire tel: 01629 533190.