Joined Up Care Derbyshire / DCHS Charitable Trust
NHS Charities Together Community Partnership Grant
Call to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Organisations in Derby & Derbyshire
Derby & Derbyshire has been allocated grant funding of £445k from NHS Charities Together. This is for partnership working to support communities impacted by COVID 19. This funding will be co-ordinated by DCHS Charitable Trust.
4 key priority areas have been identified for Derby & Derbyshire:
- Community Resilience and how we intervene early
- Support for Carers especially in rural areas and BAME communities
- Mental Health and Wellbeing for those affected by COVID 19
- Digital connections and tackling the digital divide.
Are you interested in being part of this initiative?
We are seeking expressions of interest from Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations – of any size and from any part of Derby & Derbyshire – who have ideas about how we should tackle these priorities and/or who want to be part of delivering the work.
We want this to be a real example of partnership working. So the next stage will be to bring different potential partners together, and work collaboratively to shape our plans. Working together to make sure we make best use of this funding opportunity, and make a real difference to our community at this challenging time.
Whether you want to lead one of the themes, be a delivery partner or just want your ideas and insight to shape our delivery plan, we want to hear from you. Just complete the form and return it to
Deadline for expressions of interest: Friday 18th December 2020 5pm