Derbyshire residents can get the latest NHS Covid 19 information while staying safe at home with the launch of a new online hub.
A one stop shop of latest updates, advice, information and direct ‘signposting’ to other helpful web sites has been added to the Joined Up Care Derbyshire hub at: 19 information and advice
The information will help keep people safe , informed and able to access services during the country’s continuing lockdown in response to the pandemic.
All seven NHS organisations working across the county and the city and county councils will have their service updates covered as they are all partners in the ‘Joined Up Care Derbyshire’ health and care partnership.
A postcard is being delivered to homes across Derby and Derbyshire to make sure everyone knows where they can find this information, and make arrangements to help those who do not have access to the internet.
Healthwatch Derbyshire has also provided their number so residents who want to speak to someone to get support in accessing the information.