Derbyshire Voluntary Action’s Helen Corcoran and James Starky feature in an uplifting Derbyshire Times article talking about The Hub in Chesterfield town centre.

Helen describes The Hub as “A space where people can come and have an opportunity to connect with somebody else, in one way or another. Either by chat, or through an activity.”
“This is where the magic of community work happens. When you try new things, where you experiment and you open the doors and see who comes in. When you ask them to contribute, whatever they have, things happen that you wouldn’t imagine. And that’s what makes it magical.”
The article includes contributions from the volunteers and people that visit the Hub, all talking about what The Hub means to them.

Jackie Allsopp is part of a “Knit and natter” group here. “It’s very relaxing. It calms you. You’re busy doing something, and you’re producing something at the same time. And of course, if you’re in a group you’re having a good old natter as well. We don’t run the group. Nobody runs the group. We’re all just here. And we all help one another out.”
“There’s no need to be on your own. There’s no need to be lonely. Because there’s plenty going on outside your own front door. You’ve got to go out and help yourself. That’s how you make friends. At my age now, I could just be sitting indoors. Getting up in the morning and sitting in my chair. But, no. I get out and meet friends.”
The Hub’s open door can be found at Low Pavement in Chesterfield.
Read the full article here.
Find out what the Hub has to offer here.