Training and Tea sessions are held Wednesday mornings 9.30am – 10.15am. Lasting for 45 minutes these courses are short, convenient and held online via Zoom. Booking is via Eventbrite and all the sessions can be found here Places are limited.
FREE for:
- Staff or Volunteers of Community, Voluntary & Third Sector Organisations or Groups in Derbyshire- your place has been fully funded by Community Chesterfield.
- Staff and Students of the University of Derby – your place has been fully funded by Community Chesterfield.
- *£20 for everyone else (T’s & C’s apply)
17th January 2024
Your relationship with money and how it matters at work
We all have a relationship with money, even if that sounds a bit odd to think about at first. The decisions we make about money are directly linked to our emotions. Though we are not always aware of the connection between our relationship with money and our feelings.
Think about the last thing you bought that you didn’t really need. What feelings were you having when you made that decision? What is it you believe about spending or saving? At home, in your personal life and then at work? In this session we will consider the influence we have, at work, when it comes to money and how aware we are of the negative and positive emotions we can experience. We all have stories we tell ourselves about debt, saving, property, business success or risk and struggles and how we think and feel about ourselves, our abilities and capacity and about other people can have a big impact on our motivation, our work, our family and our own health and wellbeing. When we develop our awareness, we better understand our relationship with money. We can then start to create new beliefs and stories and start to make different decisions about what we want and don’t want to make happen.
24th January 2024
Preparing to generate income – 3 Top tips for readiness
This session is useful for you if your role is to make sure that your organisation can generate the income it needs. Particularly if you are juggling other tasks and responsibilities at work too. If you’re new to fundraising, then you’ll pick up some great tips from this session and for those of you who have been around a while it can also provide a nice opportunity to have a refresh of what is working well and what needs to be revisited. We will be talking about how we can get organised and ready to apply when grants open for submissions and how the way we work, can put us under more pressure or, open avenues for others to support the application. We will be thinking about being efficient and effective fundraisers and gaining insight through examples shown of the 3 top tips. We can have a little chat at the end if you have any questions and you can get templates to help guide you through each of the 3 tips offered.
31st January 2024
Working together to create an organisation money plan
It can be a challenge to engage others in the planning, decision making and execution of the income generation plan at work. In this session we will be thinking about why it matters and the difference it makes when we get it right. We will go through a structure and a process, you can use and share at work, to get buy-in across the team. At the end of the session, we will have a little bit of time for a chat and any questions.
7th February 2024
Preparing a sponsorship package
In this session we will be talking about opportunities for sponsorship that can help you to start to build a sponsorship pack for circulation to corporate bodies. We will be thinking about what the sponsor is looking for and what they can gain and how you can talk about that in the sponsor benefits section of your package. We will look at some examples of the different benefits to sponsors so that you can start to work on creating content that works for you. You’ll leave the session with a template and some questions to help you develop your thinking and to guide your own sponsorship package. There will be a little bit of time at the end of the session for questions and answers to help with any specific issues you may have.
These sessions will be delivered by Tina Poyzer, Tina is the founder of ‘Coin Jar Community’, a toolkit of resources that can be used by individuals, groups, start-ups, and established business to talk about their relationship with money, the beliefs they hold, about money, and how these can both hinder and/or help decision making. She has worked with the voluntary sector, in varying roles, for over 30 years. Tina began her career in the health and social care industry and later went on to run a not-for-profit company and social enterprise. Its mission was to flip on its head the notion of people as passive receivers of care to a network of leaders of inclusive community projects for all. Tina was responsible for the financial viability and sustainability of the company and its projects and became passionate about generating different types of income through partnership working strategic planning, impact, and evaluation. Tina took her excitement for championing innovation and quality working alongside planners, community activists and problem solvers into her work in education and teaching and into grants teams, supporting people and organisations to apply for community funds, where she led on outreach programs. Tina currently works alongside creative people and organisations, often at a turning point and, where there is driven commitment and readiness for social change. Tina’s approach includes demystifying jargon, debunking myths, and using a wide range of models, approaches, tools and techniques for accessibility, co-production and user led approaches that help to break down, what can at times, feel overwhelming for many. She supports individuals and organisations to mobilise their ideas into action.
If you have any questions please contact Community Chesterfield on