Do you live in Chesterfield?
Do you work or study in Chesterfield?
Do you care about Chesterfield?
Your Life, Your Chesterfield is a fun and interactive way to get together to talk about the big things and the little things, what we love about our lives and what we don’t, what we value about Chesterfield and what could be better. It’s absolutely free to attend.
What’s important to us all in Chesterfield? It could be about…
- Our connections with family, friends, neighbours
- Our health and the way we feel in body and in mind
- How we use local services
- Our home
- Our street
- Our community
- Our work
- Our town
If you join us, you can be sure that:
- Everyone’s life experiences count .
- Everyone will have a chance to say their thing in the way they want to say it .
- Everyone will be respectful – in what they say and how they listen
We’ll be walking a path together: this event is the first of several opportunities for us to talk together about what matters in our lives.
Who are we and why are we doing this?
We are a partnership of organisations working together to support communities in Chesterfield. We want to build bridges between people, communities and services, so we can shape Chesterfield together in a more joined up way.
When is it?
The first session is repeated – you can choose your preferred date:
Tuesday 8th September 10.30am-12.30pm OR
Thursday 17th September 12.30pm-2.30pm