Spouses Unite – new peer support group

Supporting someone who experiences Post traumatic Stress Disorder can be a very lonely and isolating experience.  It may be difficult to share with friends or family.  Spouses Unite is a new peer support group for spouses or partners of veterans who experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Come and have a chat and share a cuppa with other people who understand.  There will be absolutely no pressure to share your own experiences but an opportunity to socialise and meet new friends.
The first meeting is at The Hub on Low Pavements, Chesterfield on Thursday 18th November between 12.30pm and 2pm.

This group is supported by the Feeling Connected Project, DVA.

For any enquiries about this group contact in confidence:
Mica by emailing: spousesunitechesterfield@email.com or Debbie Fennell, Social Connectedness Development Worker by telephone on 07547 342251.