Health and care ‘critical incident’

You’ll have heard that the NHS is under a huge amount of pressure at the moment across the country, and the same is true in Derbyshire. Health and care services in the county have declared a critical incident because of extreme pressures.

Our health partners have taken a decision to temporarily postpone some elective care treatments so that they can dedicate clinical resources to those requiring urgent and emergency care and those who are acutely ill.

They’re urging residents who need urgent medical care that is not an emergency to visit NHS 111 online or call NHS111 for advice on how to get the care they need at any time of day or night.

If you have a minor illness or injury, like a sprain, fracture, minor burn, skin infection, animal bite, minor eye and head injury, sting or bite you can visit an Urgent Treatment Centre.

Pharmacists can give you advice about minor illnesses such as a cough or cold, sore throat, tummy trouble and aches and pains. They’re experts in medicines who can offer you clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines.

Contact your GP for symptoms that won’t go away, such as lumps, unexpected weight loss, abnormal bleeding and persistent pain. GP practices also employ highly trained professionals such as physiotherapists, nurses, dieticians and others. Only call 999 or attend A&E for serious accidents and emergencies.

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THR1VE Shortlisted for Prestigious Award 

The team at Derbyshire Voluntary Action is excited and proud to announce that the THR1VE children and young people’s social project has been shortlisted as a finalist for a Health Service Journal Partnership Award 2023.

THR1VE is a Children’s Social Prescribing Programme launched by DVA in 2021 alongside Chesterfield FC Community Trust. Their mission is to reach out to young people struggling with their confidence and connections. Thr1ve recognises young people’s potential and offers support to help boost confidence, independence and participation.

THR1VE aims to fill a gap in NHS mental health services between early intervention and CAMHS support for more serious conditions. Over the last nine months the project team has worked more closely with the school nursing teams in Chesterfield and Bolsover. This has had a knock on effect on the workload of school nurses who are able to focus on the children and young people that they are most able to help. So far the project has worked with 125 young people at the community hub at Chesterfield FC’s Technique Stadium.

The HSJ Awards reward outstanding efforts and achievements in healthcare. The award category that THR1VE has been nominated for is ‘Most effective contribution to integrated health and care’. This is something that DVA’s Chief Executive Jacqui Willis is passionate about: “THR1VE came from a determination within our team to create a social prescribing service for children and young people. We firmly believed that this project had the power and potential to help young people.

“We came together with Chesterfield Football Club Community Trust in April 2021 to set up the project with funds from DVA, Chesterfield Health and Wellbeing Partnership and Active Derbyshire. By the end of the first year THR1VE had grown from one Social Prescribing Link worker to a team of four, thanks to additional funding from the Derbyshire Community Health Services and North Hardwick and Bolsover Primary Care network. The team also includes project manager and occupational therapist.”

The next stage of the awards process will involve a presentation to the judging panel to fully explain the huge benefits of THR1VE. There will then be a nail biting wait for all involved until the awards ceremony on the 23rd March at Evolution London.

Good luck to all the team!

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Training & Tea – The CALM Method

The ever-popular Training & Tea sessions continue in the new year, tickets are now free for staff/volunteers of community, voluntary, and third-sector organisations and groups across Derbyshire, as well as staff and students at the University of Derby, funded for you by Community Chesterfield (£20 for everyone else). If you’re interested and want to book your place for the upcoming Calm in a Box series kicking off in January 2023, visit

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Derbyshire Voluntary Action AGM & Christmas Celebration

Derbyshire Voluntary Action
Annual General Meeting & Christmas Celebration
Wednesday 7th December 2022
10am – 12.30pm
Hasland Village Hall, Chesterfield

Join us for our AGM and Christmas Celebration on the morning of 7th December at Hasland Village Hall, Eastwood Park, Hasland Road, Chesterfield S41 0AY.
Our AGM will run from 10am – 10.30am and this will be followed by our Christmas Celebration, which we hope will provide an opportunity for networking and catching up in a relaxed atmosphere.
We will be joined by Sing Viva, Fairplay Sign Choir and Inspire Choir who wil be performing some festive songs for us.
Light refreshments and warm drinks will be available.
Free parking.
Please let us know if you, or your group members, will be attending by emailing or calling 01246 555908.

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Mental Health Support Pack

Derbyshire Voluntary Action’s Mental Health Liaison Service have produced a helpful Mental Health Support Pack that provides information about mental health support, training and therapy services. The Support Pack can be used as a resource by any individual, group, organisation or venue.

Download the Mental Health Support Pack

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Mental Health Small Grants Funding Surgery – 30th November

Wednesday 30th November 2022
3pm – 5pm
The Hub @ Low Pavement, 61-63 Low Pavement, Chesterfield S40 1PA
Refreshments provided!

We would like to invite you, and your group members, to our drop in afternoon in Chesterfield town centre. We hope this will provide a chance for mental health groups to get together and catch up and hear more about what is happening across the Mental Health Voluntary Sector. Rachel is excited to share the outputs of the award winning Last Photo Exhibition, and is keen to discuss with groups different opportunities for us to work together on key events next year. Additionally, Rachel would love to hear more about what’s happening in your groups and how she can support you in your community based initiatives.
This is also an amazing opportunity to get advice if you would like to apply to the Mental Health Small Grants Scheme.
The Mental Health Small Grants Scheme is for small to medium Voluntary & Community organisations and Social Enterprises across Derbyshire and Derby city that work with people to improve their mental health.

There are two types of grants available:

  • Mini grants of up to £500 for small groups and organisations, including non-constituted groups
  • Small grants of up to £5000 for small to medium sized organisations, excluding non-constituted groups

We will be welcoming Claire and Naomi from Erewash Voluntary Action who will be around to answer any questions about the Mental Health Small Grants Scheme. If you are thinking of applying you are welcome to bring along a draft of your application and get some advice from Claire and Naomi.

The grant application documents are available from  and the scheme will accept applications until 16th December.

There will be plenty of mince pies and cake!

We hope to see you on the 30th.

If you have any questions contact

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