World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2020

On Monday 15th June 2020 it is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).  The aim of the day is to raise awareness in relation the abuse of all adults but in particular, older adults.

Staff and residents from two Derbyshire care homes, Ada Belfield in Belper and Rowthorne in Swanwick took part in a new Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board video for WEAAD 2020 which aims to share information about how to recognise the signs of abuse and neglect, and how to report concerns. DSAB WEAAD Video

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Derbyshire SAB safeguarding resources

Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board (DSAB) have a number of leaflets and posters available designed to inform both the public and professionals how to recognise and report abuse and neglect in Derbyshire.

The posters and leaflets are available in different languages and with a choice of images, please see the website for the full selection:

If you would like to order any hard copies of the Derbyshire SAB’s safeguarding posters or leaflets, please email with the quantity required and the postal address to which they should be sent.

Posters and leaflets can also be downloaded and printed from the DSAB website:

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Carers Week 8 – 14 June

Health, social care and voluntary sector organisations across Derbyshire and Derby are coming together during Carers Week to share the message that #CarersMatter

The COVID 19 pandemic has been hard for everyone, but it’s been especially tough if you look after a family member or friend who relies on you for support.

However, local services are still here to offer support to carers, over the phone and via online groups and events.

If the person you care for lives in Derbyshire, for information, advice and support contact Derbyshire Carers Association.

Due to the current situation Derbyshire Carers Association are unable to do their usual activities for Carers that they have done in the past, so their engement team has been working hard to come up with a host of alternative Carers week activities that can be safely done from home.

To find out more about these activities and how to join in please visit the Derbyshire Carers Association website:

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Public information – Coronavirus in Derby and Derbyshire

The Joined Up Care Derbyshire website provides information, resources and service updates for patients and members of the public during the Covid-19 outbreak. If you cannot locate the local health or social care information you require please contact Healthwatch Derbyshire via phone 01773 880786 or text 07957 149279, Monday to Friday, 10am to 3:30pm.

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Active at Home

The Active at Home booklet is for those that are shielding in regards to physical activity they can do at home.

There is lots of useful information around physical activity that can be done at home safely along with telephone numbers to different services.

This booklet has been developed to support older people and those who are shielded to stay active and healthy at home.

Being active is good for our physical and mental wellbeing. This is why we should all try to move regularly, including exercises to help stay strong and steady. This particularly applies to those of us who have health conditions or are older. Due to coronavirus we are all staying home more, so it is important that we find ways to build activity into our day, every day.

We have all been asked to stay at home as much as possible. This can be frustrating and upsetting, and it can be harder to be active when you can’t do your normal daily activities. This guide will help you to find ways to build activity into your day.

Click HERE to download the booklet.

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Impact of COVID on the VCS Survey

Derbyshire County Council survey to capture the impact of COVID-19 on the voluntary and community sector and other charitable organisations

Message from Derbyshire County Council:

We are aware that the voluntary and community sector (VCS) have been absolutely essential in continuing the support to the vulnerable throughout the pandemic. As economic recovery plans are being developed by the Local Enterprise Partnership and within Economic Regeneration and Employment & Skills teams at Derbyshire County Council, we are keen to try to capture some of the experiences of your organisations so that it can inform our next steps and understanding of what provision and resources might be needed moving forward.

A Survey Monkey of 10 questions has been developed, and we would be extremely thankful if you could complete it on behalf of your VCS and charitable/support organisation.

The link to the survey can be found here:

We would like the survey to have been completed by Friday 26th June please.

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