Safe Space Brimington – free weekly mental health support group

Mental Health Awareness Week is hosted every May by the Mental Health Foundation. Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 will take place from the 9th-15th of May with the theme of Loneliness. The annual event is an opportunity for us to focus on achieving good mental health. The event has grown to become one of the biggest awareness weeks across the UK and globally.
Loneliness is affecting more and more of us in the UK and has had a huge impact on our physical and mental health during the pandemic. Our connection to other people and our community is fundamental to protecting our mental health and we need to find better ways of tackling the epidemic of loneliness. We can all play a part in this.
As well as the national events, Derbyshire County Council have been working with local partners in Chesterfield to support ‘Mental Health Awareness Week 2022’ and incorporate the topic of ‘Loneliness’.
There are free virtual and face to face sessions and activities throughout Mental Health Awareness week, please see the timetable below for further information and how to book:
Monday 9th May
Men Tell (11am) Virtual
Menttell opens up the discussion around loneliness and reconnecting through a virtual session. Open to all Men and Women. The webinar will be run over zoom. To register and find out more information, please follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TJcc68_qTUeMN_X3aDX0tg
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Natter Café (12.30pm – 2.30pm)
Derbyshire Recovery and Peer Support Service are holding a Natter Café particularly suitable for older people needing support with their mental health. No need to book. Based at The Hub at Low Pavements, 61 – 63 Low Pavements, Chesterfield, S40 1PB. Please contact thehubatlowpavement@gmail.com for more information.
Compassionate Voices (2.30pm – 4pm)
Sharon from Compassionate Voices will be sharing her story, talking about loneliness and snippets from her new book ‘Thirty Years in Silence’. She will also answer questions about the Compassionate Voices Community, Dunelm Pausa regional hubs and The Power of YOU Workshop. Based at The Hub at Low Pavements, 61 – 63 Low Pavements, Chesterfield, S40 1PB. Register your free place here: https://www.acompassionatevoice.co.uk/events/the-hub-chesterfield/
Tuesday 10th of May
Feeling connected drop in (10am-2pm)
An open day and drop in session. Activities to get people talking – DVA social prescribers will be present along with other support and advice groups such as Arts and Minds, DORA. Based at The Hubat Low Pavements, 61 – 63 Low Pavements, Chesterfield, S40 1PB. Please contact thehubatlowpavement@gmail.com for more information.
WEA: Walking and Talking (1pm-3pm)
A companionable walk enjoying local scenery around Holmebrook Valley Park with Alastair Clark. Location: To meet outside the Holmebrook Valley Park café, Chesterfield S41 8XP. For more information and availability to book a place on the session please contact WEA on 0300 303 3464 (option 1) or visit www.wea.org.uk
Course reference number C2347313 and PIN 33631 to enrol on the session.
Compassionate Voices (6.15pm – 7.30pm)
Sharon from Compassionate voices will be sharing her passion to help others through her lived experiences and encouraging others to do the same. Sharon talks about times in her life when feeling isolated and sacred. She will also answer questions about the Compassionate Voices Community and how you can be involved. Based at the Pausa Café, Dunelm, Spires Retail Park, Chesterfield, S40 2WG. Register your free place here: https://www.acompassionatevoice.co.uk/events/chesterield-pausa-cafe/
Wednesday 11th May
Rethink Support Cafe (10.30am-12.30noon)
Derbyshire Recovery and Peer Support Service are hosting a drop in support café. Open to everyone who would like advice, guidance, and support about all aspects of their mental health. Based at The Hub at Low Pavements, 61 – 63 Low Pavements, Chesterfield, S40 1PB. Please contact 01773 734 989 for more information. No need to book. Cupcakes available!
Renew well being Café (10.00am-1.30pm)
Renew Cross Street – wellbeing cafe on the ground floor of Chesterfield Baptist Church, Cross Street, Chesterfield S40 4ST. Known as ‘quiet, shared spaces where it’s ok not to be ok’, Renew Wellbeing cafes are springing up all over the country. We open every Wednesday 10:00am – 1:30pm for chat, shared hobbies and company, or for just sitting quietly with a cuppa and cake. Pop in for a few minutes or stay for the duration.’ For further info, email RenewCrossStreet@gmail.com or leave a voicemail on the church phone: 01246 221105.
Thursday 12th May
WEA: Confronting Loneliness with Shaun Kennedy (2.15pm-4.15pm) Virtual session.
For more information and availability to book a place on the session please contact WEA on 0300 303 3464 (option 1) or visit www.wea.org.uk
Course reference number C2347314 and PIN 61345 to enrol on the session.
Friday 13th May
Meet the WEA: The Social and Personal Benefits of Learning – with Carole Rawson (11.45am-12.45noon) Virtual session.
No need to book. Join the Zoom Meeting at the identified time:
Saturday 14th May
Think Fest! (10am-4pm)
ThinkFest! is back! We are bringing you Derbyshire’s Mental Health Festival and it will be bigger and better than ever! A full day of live music and entertainment in the town centre and the market stalls filled with local support services ranging from peer support groups, activity groups and charities. All the information in one place that you need to learn how to look after your mental health and wellbeing. The event is free of charge, so come down and enjoy a day dedicated to showing that Derbyshire cares about Mental Health. Location: New Square, Chesterfield Town Centre, S40 1AH. No need to book, just turn up on the day. For more information please contact georgiabirdfoundaiton@gmail.com
Sharon Bull lived thirty years in silence with her mental health issues. She felt isolated and scared. Sharon feared others would treat her differently if they knew about her mental health issues.
Now, working as an inspirational speaker, author, and the creator/facilitator of ‘The Power of YOU & This Is ME workshops, she is determined to get people talking. Her passion is to help others through her lived-in experiences, whilst also encouraging others to do the same.
In 2019, she also registered a charitable organisation called Compassionate Voices CIC. Over the past two years the not-for-profit organisation has been helping women and young girls affected by the pandemic. This has resulted in a growing online community called ‘Compassionate Voices.’
More recently, the charity has also partnered with Dunelm Stores (including Chesterfield) to run safe-space regional hubs.
During Mental Health Awareness week, Sharon will be at the DVA Hub and Chesterfield Pausa Cafe. She will be sharing her story and snippets from her new book ’Thirty Years in Silence’. She will also answer questions about the Compassionate Voices Community, Dunelm Pausa regional hubs and The Power of YOU Workshop.
Sharon will be at:
Derbyshire Voluntary Action, The Hub at Low Pavements, 61 – 63 Low Pavements, Chesterfield, S40 1PB on Monday 9th May 2:30pm
Register your free place here: https://www.acompassionatevoice.co.uk/events/the-hub-chesterfield/
Pausa Café, Dunelm, Spires Retail Park, Chesterfield, S40 2WG Tuesday 11th May 6:15pm – 7:30pm
Register your free place here: https://www.acompassionatevoice.co.uk/events/chesterield-pausa-cafe/
The Equipped 2 Succeed programme is focused on improving mental wellbeing, reducing stress, and helping build self confidence and esteem.
Starting with an introductory session on Weds 18th May, 2022, from 10am to 1pm; then running for 6 further weekly sessions, before a final celebration event on Weds 6th July, this programme will help participants to plan their way forward with new confidence and determination!
It is completely free of charge and, to reserve your place, you just need to contact Paul on 07753 605272 or enterprise@lgct.org.uk and provide your contact details.
It will be held in the training room in The Green – Enterprise and Training Centre at Loundsley Green. Further details are here.